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Free shipping over 100 000 HUF

Welcome to our bed and mattress webshop!

Billerbeck törzsvásárlói program

Sleep Studio – quality comes first for us!

It is no exaggeration to say that a comfortable mattress is worth its weight in gold. The type of bed you lay your head on is not only important for your rest, but it is also important for your health to choose the ergonomic and comfortable bed frame, mattress, mattress topper you use every day.

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for orders over 100 000 HUF

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SimplePay, PayPal

Health insurance purchase

Easy, simple

Our showroom in Szeged

More than 20 years of experience

Everything in one place for a restful sleep

Our huge selection includes first-class memory foam, spring, cold foam and orthopedic mattresses in many sizes, firmness and types - whether single, double or custom-sized models. The exceptional advantage of our webshop is that we also offer mattress toppers, bed slats and beds made of pine or beech, as well as a variety of accessories for a restful sleep at affordable prices.


Full-range – customer-centric services

We provide our customers with easy online shopping and fast delivery, as well as reliable customer service. Our expert staff will be happy to help you choose the right products. Choose our quality products - sleep healthy and wake up rested every morning!

Our featured offers

Billerbeck loyalty program

When it comes to mattresses, we set the bar high!

As a layman, it can be easy to get confused when browsing the huge range of mattresses. You may rightly wonder what type you should buy now: a memory foam mattress, a cold foam mattress, a pocket spring mattress, or perhaps a Bonnell spring version? If you listen to us, you will avoid suspiciously cheap and therefore poor quality mattresses by far, because you cannot expect much good from them anyway. If you are looking for really long-lasting, durable, easy-to-clean, comfortable mattresses, you will definitely find the products that best suit your needs in the Sleep Studio mattress webstore. With us, quality and affordability go hand in hand, and we also expand and update our range of discount mattresses from time to time, so you can buy a higher quality, branded mattress for up to 10-20% cheaper.


A bolt vásárlója
A bolt vásárlója
Az együttműködés magas szintje amit a vásárlás során tapasztaltam. A vevő érdekeit előtérbe helyezik. Minden elismerésem. Áldott karácsonyi ünnepeket kívánok Mindnyájuknak.
Nagyon korrekt webáruház.

Amiért tőlük vásároltam:
Pontos, precíz tájékoztatás, villámgyors szállítás. Tökéletes számlázás. Egészségpénztárit kértem, még útmutatót is adtak, mit kell hová beküldeni. Kedvesek, profik.

Amiben fejlődhetne ez a bolt:
Nem tapasztaltam negatívumot.
A rendelés leadása után néhány órával felhívtak, és másnapra tudtunk időpontot egyeztetni. A megbeszélt időintervallumban pontosan szállították a terméket. Az ágyrács kiváló. Ajánlom mindenkinek..
 Tamás Bogdán
Tamás Bogdán
Nagyon korrekt cég.
Edina Lőrincz- Vágó
Edina Lőrincz- Vágó
Nagyon nagy válsztékban kaphatók különböző méretű, minőségű matracok. Vannak olyan matracok amik készleten is vannak. De a prémiumos matracokat åltalában rendelniük kell. A boltba ki is lehet próbálni a matracokat és az alapján lehet döntést hozni,kinek mi felel meg. A boltban matracokon kívül komplett ágyakat is lehet kapni.A kiszolgálås és az ügyintézés nagyon korrekt. Csak ajánlani tudom.
Rendkívül gyorsan szállítottak, nem is voltunk rà felkészülve.
F. Zsuzsa
F. Zsuzsa
Mindennel elégedett voltam. Az áru gyorsan megérkezett és kiváló a minősége.

Amiért tőlük vásároltam:
Gyors, pontos, megbízható.

Amiben fejlődhetne ez a bolt:
Csilla Csapó
Csilla Csapó
Készségesek, kedvesek. Profi, türelmes tájékoztatás a boltban.

We also sell Billerbeck mattresses and memory foam mattresses!

You have probably heard of Billerbeck brand mattresses, which owe their popularity to the fact that they are made with innovative production technologies and are available in various designs. The popular Billerbeck mattresses are of excellent quality and provide perfect support for the spine. The assortment of this popular brand is extremely wide: bonell and pocket spring, foam core, coconut, memory foam, sandwich structure or latex Billerbeck mattresses are also available. And when it comes to memory foam mattresses, we cannot ignore the extraordinary benefits of these mattresses. Memory foam is nothing more than a polyurethane foam that has a unique pressure distribution ability. Since this type of mattress contacts the body without pressure points and provides optimal support, tossing and turning at night can be eliminated in an instant, and various musculoskeletal complaints that occur after waking up can also be significantly reduced. If you are familiar with the discomfort that occurs when you "fall asleep with your neck" or often wake up with aching lower back and shoulders, it is worth trying a memory foam version instead of your old mattress.

Everything you need for a restful sleep!

Our online store offers not only mattresses, but also other essential accessories for sleeping. With just a few clicks, you can renew or make your bedroom and its furnishings more comfortable, as our product range includes duvets, pillows, sheets, mattress protectors, and complete bedding sets. You don't have to go anywhere else for first-class mattress toppers, bed slats, or even pine or beech beds.

If we have piqued your interest with these few lines, discover the colorful range of our webshop!
If you have any questions, if you would like to learn more about our products, delivery conditions or payment options, you can contact our staff with confidence.